The most common question that we are asked here at bselected towers is “What are your top tips for success at interview or assessment centre?”
So here are 3 simple tips to help you ‘b’ the best you can be.
1 Focus Your Preparation
Most of the clients that contact us are clearly conscientious and have already started to, or know that they will need to, invest significant time in preparing for their interview. What annoys and frustrates them most is when they spend days, weeks or even months concentrating on what they think is important and key for success, only to find out that when they speak to us they have spent all that time and effort focusing on the wrong stuff.
Preparing for an interview is boring and frustrating enough without eventually realising that effort has been wasted and valuable time could have been spent much more effectively or even doing something enjoyable!
So, as a minimum make sure that you know what to expect, how to prepare and how to deliver.
- Read any briefing pack thoroughly. We are constantly amazed at the amount of clients that never do this and consequently miss vital information that can help them focus their preparation in the correct areas.
- Ask questions of those who are running the process i.e. HR or Workforce Development. Seek clarification on any points of which you are unsure
- Take advice from others that have been through a process previously with extreme caution. Although their advice is always well intentioned it is often wrong. Listen to the experts.
2 Ensure You Have Content, Structure & Delivery
Whatever exercises you face at your interview or assessment centre, you will definitely need to think of content, structure and delivery:
• Content – your responses needs to include what the assessors are actually looking for and assessing you on. You need to give them what they want on a plate – don’t make life difficult for them.
• Structure – a good structure helps you frame your content so that both the assessors and yourself are crystal clear in what being said and why. Waffle is your enemy.
• Delivery – you need to deliver with impact and authenticity. To many times candidates turn into interview robots at their interview and bore the assessors to tears.
3 Answer The Question
Finally, and maybe most importantly of all, answer the question that you have been asked. Listen carefully to the question and answer it. Hardly rocket science we know, but a very common mistake. Nothing infuriates assessors more than responding “X” when you have been asked about “Y”. Listen, digest and respond.
Clearly at bselected our job is to ensure that every minute of the preparation you do is as focused and effective as it can be. Our job is to make your life easy! If you wish to know more on how we do this give us a call on 0161 327 2126.
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